Donald Marshall
Lock n Load!
Fredrik Beckman hahaha yeah right they couldnt create Any thing retarded undead dead retards!
Toni Crouch Barker with out a doubt, the MOST UNWORTHY - OF ALL TIME!
Rob Dutze Enki never left, neither did Inana
Donald Marshall They allll love music....
Velma Lewis Return from where - the underworld?! On all good peoples behalf~ stay away and seeing you already here go back!
Danny Dion They never left
Donald Marshall They left a bunch here.
Donald Marshall To run shit...
Toni Crouch Barker they should be fired....shit stinks! we are better off without them! Go Home! take your cat/roaches/birds with you!
Jess Tokana So whats supposed to happen to us just wanna clarify
Donald Marshall Um
Donald Marshall It's complicated. XD!!! LOL!!!
Jess Tokana Aww why wont anyone explain it to me! I dont understand but yet im so fucking intrigued
Donald Marshall I don't totally understand it either...
Donald Marshall I could describe them... What they look like... What they've said to me as clones. But I don't feel like it.
Donald Marshall And they'll torture the shit out if clones of me tonight when I fall asleep and am there as clones...
Donald Marshall Machine gun please...
Jess Tokana So if i said tht ive dreampt of these places watching people get skinned and totured reoccuring in my dreams i remember every detail to every second i think im on the brink of insanity and everythng thats hapening cant be a coinsidance
Donald Marshall Well they like the screaming... It's sexy to aliens. Like a woman moaning would be to a man.
Sean Gatchell I'm sorry you have to deal with this shit, brother. I'm really thankful you've spent the time to talk about it in public.
Donald Marshall Better be. XD!!!
Jesus Covarrubias And if we weren't.?
Donald Marshall Then you can go with the Annunaki when they ship off.
Jess Tokana I dont scream the weird thing is. Is that i just watch its like it was a normal thing to watch like i was part of something i recently dreampt that they took my soul they used a long knife of some sort nd shovd it up my private part i felt everythng even when i woke up then when i went bak to sleep the dream changd frm bein in this underground train station it was a city where i hung out with celebrities and shyt i dnt even knw why i shared thys bt yeah i feel so crazy meeh shyts all uber cray cray
Donald Marshall Cloning
Sean Gatchell Sounds like they drug your clone body, too.
Sean Gatchell If you're remembering this stuff, I mean.
Jess Tokana I remember everything sometimes i wish i didnt bt its like a whole other life i live in my dreams. Dreams i had as a kid link up in my dreams today like how to explain when i dream i have other dream memories inside those dreams that make me believe their real like im not dreaming im watching and remembering a whole other life bt the fustrating part is never nt once have i been able to control ne dream ever it controls me everytime
Donald Marshall Lol
Sean Gatchell Drugs, influencing you while in the center. I think that explains why you don't have any control but have full memory.
Donald Marshall Yep they have multiple mothods to fuck you up.
Donald Marshall There's an internal drug dispenser on remote control with various chemicals in it. Drugs.
Donald Marshall
- St. Patrick
Jess Tokana Interestingly disturbing
Velma Lewis It obviously is real and we have evidence from all ancient Egyptian stuff, plus whats in the Bible. To me the Egyptians were very dark and it seems a lot of stuff about them kept quiet by guess who, they did so much witchcraft and dark magic, tarot was started by them. Do you know donald if hinduism is involved with illuminati, i have read a lot on it and know hindus but some of the gods were evil, it is supposedly the oldest known faith.