9th oct 2013
Donald Marshall
4000 people on my friends list and 10 people sharing the most critical information in the world, vital to the survival of humanity... tragic.
Ian Sovereign Spier 2.5 % huh ? sad.
Christy Hudson I share what I can. can't always do it on my phone or at work., just certain articles
Allan Jamieson People need to wake up ASAP !
Minxy Love I understand your concern; however, Depends on the persons path and mission. I think we all fight with different weapons. But don't get me wrong many are still asleep.
Jay Saveme I share on my YouTube, the word needs to get out
Allan Jamieson “Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality.” — Dr. Michael Ellner
Belk Raymond If im not at work n i see anything i share it man
Donald Marshall I appreciate all the helpers a lot, but the Illuminuts are gaining confidence again, and I'd like to live to watch the executions.
Jay Saveme And you will bro
John Ref Kennedy Anybody see my post earlier? If not::::::
It's About Shutting YOU Down!
Forget the Government Shutdown -- It's About Shutting YOU Down! Americans are be...See more
Darnell Pimpydee I share nearly all your stuff ,,, the odd post gets missed but mostly I'm spreading your word D
Allan Jamieson Thanks John ref Kennedy.
Philip Filonxo Lopes We need to find and share other places on the web where we can post info, not just facebook. Other big media sites and different forums. If 4000 people started posting multiple links to the same information on the same site then people are bound to take more notice. It's easy to call one person crazy and gullible but it not so easy when you have 4000 saying the same thing
Sherna Bharucha We've got your back
Jay Saveme We need to do this before our grid goes down
Jay Saveme Then we will have no way to communicate
Philip Filonxo Lopes This shouldn't just be a place for posting info but also a place where 4000 thousand heads can come together with ideas on how to share this info in different ways. Make sure to have hard copies of the info too if the U.S grid ever goes down.
Sherna Bharucha I've been sharing Don's info on other sites where people have talked about having terrible nightmares.
Ki Gollaher I'm sharing this info in many different directions.
Philip Filonxo Lopes The more the merrier, I hope we strive to be the best we can be
Hippie Lovegods Hey Donald, perhaps the Illume's were watching to see what your messiah or star factor would be ...because as you've said...they can kill you anytime...and your still here...i have to assume that they want it that way, for now. The irony is that if you have a spectacular death then your message takes on a certain "truth" that can't be there while your still here (i don't like thinking about this equation btw), so is it a bit of a catch 22 for them now ?
Donald Marshall yep
Tim Williams Bring down the New World Order now
Carrie Stevenson What would you like us to share? I've mentioned cloning etc. Most sheeple would find all this very scary.....
Donald Marshall lol better not mention it then, people might get scared.
Carrie Stevenson Well introducing it slowly maybe???
Donald Marshall lol
Philip Filonxo Lopes Sooner rather than later, it's been long enough
Brook Doyle military uprising is an angle that can work, right? is there a way to inform our troops effectively?
Donald Marshall the high ups in the American military are nazi's vrill hosts and clones.
Brook Doyle the people are not an army, how can victory happen without some kind of military assistance?
Donald Marshall people in high enough numbers will turn the army.
Brook Doyle i spoke to a military person (national guard) several days ago. he said he and his boys would never turn on the people. that made me feel a little better.