Donald Marshall.....
Peate Suzuki .............You ok, buddy?
Ditte Stine Kruse........... to many people CHOOSE the blue pill... they dont get that someday they wont have the option anymore:(...
Donald Marshall ...........heart feels worst yet, feels tired and weak, theyre messing me up everytime I enter rem stage and keeping me at the brink of a heart attack, then de-activating me to return the next night for more, feel like if I ran around the block I'd die... I'm running out of time.
Tom Berchenbriter I dont know if this will help you, but try chakkra meditation, and learn about lucid dreaming. You will have complete control of all dreams if you do.
Donald Marshall .........no I won't, it doesn't work like that,... its a hardwired technology, prayers meditation and wishful thinking is not going to block the clone consciousness transfer,... maybe lead or a faraday cage or something but all that other stuff does not work in this situation.
Peate Suzuki :: I've never been baptized & am not christian per se, but i do believe in the Christ, Jesus... According to Greg Rinchich & MANY other sources being born again & the mere power of his name protects you. Just offering suggestions ma man.
Tom Berchenbriter............. I do it, and you can too, you take control of your consciousnesses, There is no machine that can override your natural being. You have different states of mind, and you can essentially hipnotise yourself, and then you can do whatever you need to do to get control of whats going on. If there is somebody else who is messing with you, this is how they are doing it. Lucid dreaming, and astral projection are sort of like 6th sense type things, and its possible you have been hypnotised in the past to not explore this again, because if you did you would remember everything... There is no risk, you are really connecting to yourself on a deeper level.
Bodis Catva ...........have u tried getting in touch with other whistle blowers like Kathy o Brian ?
Bodis Catva ............
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Donald Marshall............. Tom I'm sorry but your wrong here... its technology dude, not a spiritual or mystical thing
Tom Berchenbriter ........use the spiritual/ mmystical thing to beat them
Tom Berchenbriter......... its possible, im telling u
Tom Berchenbriter ...............nature always wins..
Tom Berchenbriter....... if there is a machine, its mimicking this which is natural
Donald Marshall ..........light socket... full of electricity, if you lick your finger and touch it your going to get a shock.... AND if you meditate and really concentrate reaaally hard, then lick your finger and touch it, you will still get the same shock.
Tom Berchenbriter .........your brain isnt a "machine"
Donald Marshall........... case closed
Tom Berchenbriter ..........astral projection is a shock
Tom Berchenbriter.......... you literally get shocked when you go into sleep paralasys
Donald Marshall........... astral projection is the cloning center using a drugged clone.
Tom Berchenbriter... huh?
Donald Marshall ......gah nevermind
Tom Berchenbriter ....ill post something. I think you should try it
Donald Marshall....... I already explained it out 17 times
Tom Berchenbriter........ not to me
Donald Marshall........... I'm gonna die of heart failure at age 37... healthy as a horse everywhere but my heart... once I'm gone you will be on your own against the powers that be. It's getting steadily worse and I'm not going to last.
Bodis Catva.
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Donald Marshall............ I wanted to live long enough to see them executed.
Tom Berchenbriter.....
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Tom Berchenbriter....
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Domenick Esgro....... People still wont except the simple issues. I wish I could do more. If I didn't have a family I might have gone on my own crusade by now, as broke as I am I wouldn't make it far, but at least I would have done something...so many with their heads in the sand about all of this. My heart hearts with you my friend.
Tom Berchenbriter....... I disagree that people wont accept it.... If you show the people where they are doing this, then cloning is illegal, and it can get shut down if there is enough attention put to it.. You can only do this with the attention of thousands or millions.... If I were you, id go file a supreme court filing, and then go to the local sherriff's, in the company of somebody like the mayor. While broadcasting on live stream. Thats what I would do.
Domenick Esgro .........You probably wouldn't live long...google political assasinations.
Donald Marshall ........Supreme court justices attend cloning... even lowly provincial court judges... they have all the bases covered, theyve been collecting important people for 60 years and then keeping them loyal through fear of death and megadeath and stuff...
Tom Berchenbriter........... so I dont hear a plan... is the plan to give up?
Domenick Esgro......... No, the plan is to wake the sleeping. Hard task I know.
Donald Marshall.. I'll be dead sooner than later, it'll be your problem then... I tried.
Tom Berchenbriter.... you are not part of any solution, so you arent trying as far as I can tell
Domenick Esgro...... Open your fucking eyes!
Donald Marshall ............far as I can tell you can't type anymore cuz you annoyed me and I blocked you
Donald Marshall .....Ahhh.... I haven't blocked an idiot in months...
Donald Marshall....... feels good feels good oh yeh...
Donald Marshall......... far as he can tell I'm not trying what a fockin idiot, on here every damn day for almost a year anna half, telling people retarded shit I don't even want to say because it makes ME look stupid or insane... the illuminati are using my talking out as a reason to renew the torture on me and my heart is janked... I'm gonna die, for trying to tell the world about aliens.... and know what people did??? They liked my posts.... Like Like Like... underground aliens? how interesting,... something to talk about over morning tea, but don't do anything until it directly affects you.
Domenick Esgro ........The human condition.
Donald Marshall............. you guys know lizards now, you know their biology intellect level, built in weapons weaknesses, least your prepared
Donald Marshall............. The Illuminati have no BIG secrets now... I passed the knowledge to you and now you must fight.
Ditte Stine Kruse........ sorry for liking so many of your posts donald, for me its more a way of showing my support and i do all that i can in my small little life but im still only a mosquito in the sun... but i think you have done an marveless job!
Donald Marshall........... I'm a mosquito too.... its not just my brain the lizards can parasite and its not just me they can clone,... you dont understand this is IT its the last chance they can clone and drone anyone,... your kids are not safe no one is... you cannot remain idle, we need numbers and action.
Ditte Stine Kruse........... i hear you... yet i feel powerless and numb in my act canals... i dont know what the f... is wrong with me:(
Domenick Esgro ...........Change your diet. Grow a garden, eat natural and healthy. Meditate and love. Your power will return.
Donald Marshall......... no it won't the heart deterioration is a side effect of clone torture (sporadic) there is no fixing it. I'll never grow old, Queen Elizabeth prides herself on how they cut my lifespan in half.
Donald Marshal...........l Blueberries and cranberry juice are not going to save me now.
Domenick Esgro....... I was talkin to Dittie Don.
Donald Marshall ...........oh,... yeah salad might work for her lol
Ditte Stine Kruse..... well thank you..
Celine O'carroll....... everyone needs to share...share...share Dons info....time is not on our side....the latest video of the radio interview is a good resource to share and put link to don's f.b. page on it.
Celine O'carroll....... anyone who does not want to put it on their own wall ....if you want I will do it for you....just contact me.
Charles Bull...... some people are just so fucking thick, Donald!! No matter what you say they don't want to listen.
Celine O'carroll .........but there are always those who will....thing is not to worry about the ones who dont....dont waste your time on them.
Charles Bull.... of course I was really referring to some of the people on this thread with their "good intentioned" suggestions to Donald
Jasmin Begovic .............don't give up donald
Donald Marshall ........wont, but theyre messin me up there again... people I don't recognize so I can't mention a celeb or well known person... it adds up on me, heart feels bad... tired.
Jasmin Begovic ........