Michael Marullo
26 December 2014
Donald--this is a long read but well worth the time--the author of this article found out the hard way how the people at Dalhousie University in Halifax are deeply associated with the illuminuts, and how they will eagerly betray you for $$$.
www.cabaltimes.com/my-story/ Here are a couple of quotes from his article: "Since Dalhousie is publicly owned, the idea of a Cabal running it sounds far-fetched to the outsider. But during my years at Dalhousie, I managed to get a bird’s eye view of how The Powers That Be hijack and operated innocent looking public institutions in Canada. When The Powers That Be came out in full force against me on campus, they forgot that they were revealing a lot about themselves in the process too. And I made extensive documentation about everything I saw." More: "This is one strange corner of 21st Century North America where people compete with one another in serving their Criminal Elite, and where servitude of the Criminal Elite is more culturally ingrained than some very poor societies of the world. On the other hand, the Criminal Elite are more than happy with Halifax (for Criminal Cabals, it doesn’t get better than this), and they even shaped the citadel on the summit of the city as a Masonic Square and Compass. The residents of the Atlantic provinces are considered to be ideal pet-populations for bigger Criminal interests..." and more: "If I were approached by Intelligence asking to spy on a stranger, I would decline because firstly, I did not know the person and his side of the story and secondly, I would not know how the information would be used. But I noticed that most of my fellow Canadians had no such qualms whatsoever. And unlike the citizenry of East Germany, they faced no threats whatsoever if they refused to comply. Neither were they compelled to accept inducements due to hunger or poverty. From my estimate, hundreds of people had been contacted regarding me, and had been coopted into conducting various illegal activities in the process. And yet not one person considered filing a police report on the unusual activity going on. Despite the fact that Canada is a nanny-state, and people have the tendency to habitually tip off authorities, sometimes even maliciously." More: " I briefly worked a blue collar job, where my co-workers came from the poorer stratum of Canadian society. Up, here, word spread that a lot of money was being promised to gain my trust and confidence. Co-workers would take turns trying to gain my friendship and trust (This was a place where nobody talked to each other). One co-worker even brought along her spouse to try his luck (as if it were a lottery). Like a pack of hyenas, they even started getting aggressive when their efforts failed to pay off. This exposed me to a new facet of Canadian society. Here were people who did not know who I was, or what my story was. And obviously, they were too dumb to make sense of my writings (if they were to ever read them). Yet, I was fair game to them because their Criminal Elite promised them inducements. No wonder so many of them got marched to their deaths in wars and World Wars. I have to say that in this respect, I found them to be more pathetic than some of the very poor people I have met in other parts of the world, who sometimes have to engage in such activity under threats of violence. In the West, some people have a disturbing tendency to convert each and every situation/interaction into opportunity, and they have an annoying smugness about it. They see people as objects and tend to ration out friendliness depending on how useful they find you. Those aware of my situation initially regarded me with irritation and annoyance, and some even blamed me. But once they learnt that inducements were being offered, their “gold-digger radar” got tripped up and they suddenly became desperate for my friendship, almost like some kind of Pavlovian response. I soon realised the necessity of keeping a low profile because knowledge of my situation was apparently tripping up their “gold-digger radar.” At first, I assumed I was being hit by bad apples. Then I tried to reason that maybe I was dealing with a regional phenomenon (which the Maritimes is infamous for). It took me some time to accept the emptiness of their souls.
People come to North America expecting to find industry, resourcefulness and expertise. Instead, some places have nothing to offer except piggery. Typical indicators that you are in pig-territory are paper-pusher professions, an all-pervasive banking industry, an overdependence on social services and substance abuse. There are basically two types of piggery. The first is the lowlife type, which involves the pursuit of a self-destructive lifestyle, almost always involving substance abuse. The second type involves inflicting destruction on everybody else, by turning piggery into an elite profession. A perfect example are patent trolls and legal sharks. This type of piggery is highly lucrative, as there is a strong customer base of passive-aggressive people. In the city of Halifax, almost half of the billboards belong to accident-injury attorneys. Since piggery involves surrogating oneself completely to the Criminal Elite, those that practice it tend to be conscious of the fact that they have no value, real expertise or industry to offer. This can make them very insecure and paranoid when it comes to foreigners or even foreign-looking people. As they fear that others could easily replace them in serving the same Criminal Elite (or in duplicating their piggery). Therefore if you are “foreign-looking” or have a “foreign sounding” name, you will be regarded as competition, even if your life or career does not necessarily intersect with theirs. And thus you become entitled to free racism and xenophobia. In Halifax, I noticed one neighbour of mine was a racist. I believe he was approached by Intelligence and was induced into provoking me. Soon junk furniture started appearing on the property boundary, and even a Christian statue was placed on the property boundary (what next? Burning crosses?). Racist taunts and catcalls started emanating from his property. I have come to accept the fact that most people in this place cannot even relate to my situation. As they grew up practicing piggery, they structured their lives around serving the Criminal Elite, the wealthy and the powerful. Therefore it makes no sense to them why someone would question the Criminal Elite. And anyone who does so is jeered as a kook, a conspiracy theorist and a crazy. "
My Story
My Encounter with Criminal Groups at Dalhousie University
Michael Marullo The purpose of my posting this article is that I feel that what he says in this piece verifies some of what you said back in the beginning about your mom and other relatives selling you out to these fucking animals. When I read what he says about Halifax and the people in the general area and how they trip over themselves to hurt others so they can gain for themselves, well, it made your story seem even more real and true.
Donald Marshall Bad things happen in Halifax. Dalhousie university there is large.
Michael Marullo finish what you were saying bro
Donald Marshall There are callous people everywhere.
Donald Marshall It's strange... Ugly and or fat or mentally retarded people turn evil / child molester / willing illuminati member more than others.
Donald Marshall Seems most child molesters are unattractive.
Donald Marshall A commonality I've seen in my 34 years attending the disgusting cloning center.
Michael Marullo Yeah there are..I just saw a video of some POS DJ asking a rapper he was interviewing on the air if he would get him initiated in the luminutties. He made it a joke but he was serious--he said he needed the $$$ that they would surely provide him. I guess this is how stupid, ignorant and arrogant a lot of people are. You know, 'money for nuthin, chicks for free'...fuck working for it, ya know..
Michael Marullo I remember you saying that in your 1st letter I think...fat, ugly mentally retarded usually with the small weenus syndrome
Dolly Valentine I am always surprised when someone attractive on the outside is a killer or a rapist yet I know good looks doesnt stop them. Its decided very early in life what tyoe of person you will be. I believe it is before it is known how attractive or not you will be. Most people are not very attractive so it is easy to think most molestors are ugly or fat etc.. Its just that few of us are what is well known as attractive. In American media the attractive are chosen more to be on tv even with reality tv it is still this majority. It doesnt reflect the true balance out there in the non televised population.
We naturally think if a man or a woman has good looks why should they be mean or need to force sex on anyone... Molestation is not a true sexual encounter with nirmal dybamics to it..its about power. Its an assault. The molestor isnt just getting sexual gratification..the molestor is getting to feel a power over a smaller human making them feel some non sexual yet emotional need fulfilled.they are sick. So they need not have good looks nor bad looks to become one of the monsters. Just because someone is lucky enough to have good looks doesnt make them have a feeling about themselves that they are lucky or should be nicer to people and it doesnt mean the world has been that much nicer to them. Infact their good looks can make them the target if rape even more than average making them angry and bitter towards themselves and others.
Monsters are deceivingly depicted as ugly. If we saw some who were good looking in film or storybooks maybe we wouldnt assume this falsehood. But I can recall some good looking actors cast as bad men.and real life villains who were attractive as well. A young Eric Roberts is one such actor. Rarely are the actors in lifetime movies unnattractive and they are beating and killing women and children. Probably unfairly depicting the monster as good looking in these real life stories . I am lost in tge fact that it seems fair to presume being ugky makes people mean when I have found the nicest people are the unnattractive ones. Still it doesnt make me think they are all nice either. The meanest people I ever knew were a mix of both good looking and not. I cant even say less intelligence makes a meaner person. I can say the personality a child has shown usually remains close to the same nomatter what happens in their life later on. If easy going..kind temoerment under age seven then the same is their oersonakity at age thirty seven. If something seems off..they are strange .. Distant... Easily provoked to temper tantrums or spiteful behaviors..the personality will be there the same way later in age.
Unsure why this is. It just is. And they could become great looking or not.
Also note most molestors at tge cloning center as you said they were old. Most people over 25 are ugly old and or fat to a child. To a child hardly anyone is good looking enough if they are hurting them. Even a pretty babsitter turns into an ugly witch from hell if she hurts the child.
I would say we cant tell someone is good inside or bad by looks. Not at all.