11th march 2014
Donald Marshall
Jim Pattenden yikes
Krystelle Hitchcock That's cool fear makes things wore don't let dear enter your body focus on love you and memoirs of love
Dwight Javero Lemme share your post Donald Marshall, hope it's fine...
Jim Pattenden
Krystelle Hitchcock Please the more better
Keith Martucci Nice....
Rosemary Nadeau This is somewhat what i envision happened...
Jessica CocoChanel Brown I knew it! All these bullshit ass explanations the media comes up with! Let's be real!
Jim Pattenden stop fiddling about with humanity ,its pissing us all off
Krystelle Hitchcock If you go on you tube and write in section 51 the marines are doing special missions lost of space ships they are firing at them and nothing happens. x
Celine O'carroll the malaysian airline.
Hippie Lovegods it is a bit odd how none of the usual ufo folks mentioned this possibility ~!
Jim Pattenden
Jim Pattenden's photo.
DianeHelen Church Well, this disappearance HAS taken all the attention of the alterative communities. Keep the sheeple focused on this and Not on the third year anniversary of the disaster of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. To keep us away from discussing the reality that we are all getting slowly poisoned by the continuous radiation fallout.
Jim Pattenden
Hippie Lovegods ...just posted about Fuk U Shima today...did not see many other posts...short attention span is a bitch ~!~
DianeHelen Church Thanks Hippie. I am not concerned about members of Donald's page, as we are more aware of hidden stuff. My concern is for John Q . Public, they are pretty much clueless.
Pjay Dee... Whats this weapon called ? Something out of Star Trek? .
Dwight Javero Malaysia Airlines flight 370... My theory? A victim of a misfire from an Experimental Ultrasonic Atomic Dimension Shifter, they are now in another timeline of the future, reason why relatives can still ring their mobile devices, they will just appear when their time and the present time flattens out. (Oh crap! I'll stop watching Jimmy Neutron now)
Hippie Lovegods Helen, imho, too many of the John Q. P is waiting on some external savior ~!~
Hippie Lovegods or are waiting (in stasis) as it were ~!~
Donald Marshall
Donald Marshall lol
Donald Marshall hey, if there's someone savin humanity with the truth better than me, can ya tell me about em?
Teal Lee van Vlymen No such thing.
Teal Lee van Vlymen I mean aside from Chiapet, but you guys wont play nice together so whatevers.....
Donald Marshall but he has to resemble this guy... have the initials D.M and like mongolian horsemans recurve bow's, and some other stuff... ...
Donald Marshall's photo.
Teal Lee van Vlymen... Kinda looks like that dude from Depeche Mode.....he shoots arrows I think......
Tee Zackem Someone probably launched a missile at the jet but UFO saved it.
Cy Johnson Radiation prob fried everything!
Anthony Foster Fukushima didnt happen either just another distraction
Cy Johnson
scitechdaily.com/scientists-discover-new-process.../Scientists Discover New Process that Protects Earth from Space Weather
A newly published study shows that in certain circumstances a pool of dense part...See more
DianeHelen Church My geigar counter tells a different story![Anthony Foster Fukushima didnt happen either just another distraction]
DianeHelen Church's photo.
DianeHelen Church Pray tell Anthony Foster, what else never happened? inquiring minds want to know.
Anthony Foster And dianehelen who r you that I should believe what u say is fact! I dont know u and could careless what u got! So what u say u have and?
DianeHelen Church ok, understand. Your truth is your truth.
Anthony Foster And agian who r u that makes ur statement anymore truthful than mine? Inquiring minds also want to know this!?
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Donald Marshall easy soldiers,
Anthony Foster Hmmm cat got dianehelens tongue lol
Douglas Brandon Carter fake planes in the night skies like shooting stars
DianeHelen Church No, I was in my other two facebook group discussion groups and posting and commenting. what's up? Anthony? How can I help?
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Jesse Arnett okwhats that?
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Jesse Arnett darn
DianeHelen Church or on the Donald Marshall support page. Thanks Donny, for getting around to accepting some of your many friend requests. I really am not accepting any requests to be apart of that support group of yours, unless they are FB friends with you. I was just able to allow 5 members to join the group. yippiee! Great work on your part.
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Donald Marshall guess who?
Donald Marshall's photo.
Jesse Arnett ?
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Jesse Arnett who??
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Jesse Arnett koool...
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Douglas Brandon Carter
Douglas Brandon Carter's photo.
Douglas Brandon Carter
Fake Aircraft - Facebook
Fake planes are real....Oxymorons!
by: Douglas Brandon Carter
Photos: 361
Douglas Brandon Carter
www.facebook.com/PlanesOffRadar?ref=hlFake Aircraft
U.F.O.'s mimic various aircraft in order to deceive mankind.
Christina Cross I wonder what there doing with the plane full off people or whst the people know? I reckon they have been taken to a base
Julie Johnson we had the global warming deception, we had the terrorist deception, we had the depopulation deception, we are yet to get the alien deception, the final one in their endgame, in order to usher in the anti-christ. We are being primed to believe in aliens when the Nazis were the ones to create anti-gravity craft.
Jim Pattenden
Jim Pattenden's photo.
Jim Pattenden
Jim Pattenden's photo.
Jim Pattenden
Jim Pattenden's photo.
Jim Pattenden
Jim Pattenden's photo.
Jim Pattenden
Jim Pattenden's photo.
Michael M. Mastide My name? .......Ben Dover .........
Donald Marshall they are perverted like that too...
Jim Pattenden perhaps they never liked my ass,i only get hair removed from my neck
Jesper Stalot Lundbergh fuckin workers..
Andy Russell Do u know much about or point me in the direction of knowledge of haarp Western Australia, ex mouth?
Andy Russell's photo.