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Donald Marshall
Pic's like these are making me sick,... they are going overboard trying to paint Vladamir in a good light... it is ALL set up, to go in Vlad's favor... Obama is the fall guy puppet that Vladamir will defeat. Do not fall for the deception... a big badly written stage play...
www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151934188573973&set=a.10150765559868973.467142.766208972&type=1&theaterRaja Rehman Pervaiz Do Vrill liz
Kathie Kristina they both are murdering idiots if ya ask me
Nick Biondo To many are falling for it
Donald Marshall Vladamir is one of the Prime evils at the cloning center... Obama has little say there... he is total puppet, in a plan... Vladamir has equal say as Queen Elizabeth in the Illuminati.
Rhonda Holt Yeah, because aren't alot of his troops already over here in our country waiting for the go ahead to come into our homes and only God knows what?
Donald Marshall some of them are Americans with chips in their heads containing a Russians or Chinese persons consciousness.
Donald Marshall they have been setting up for decades.
Rhonda Holt They have been indoctrinated.
Donald Marshall bodysnatched.
Donald Marshall no
other way to say it... they bodysnatch people...
Jeff Coleman Invasion of the body snatchers.
Donald Marshall either with microchip implant or a vrills proboscis. Both bodysnatching.
Rhonda Holt Black ops are heavily involved in this.
Ashu Mahashiv where exactly is this cloning center ?
Donald Marshall The one I go to is in western Canada somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Most cloning sites are inside the D.U.M.B's (deep underground military bases) there are hundreds of bases, and most have an entire floor devoted to human cloning.
Donald Marshall I go to the above ground richie rich one usually.
Ashu Mahashiv And what you do there ?
Donald Marshall it's in the middle of a nature or wildlife preserve. It's blotted out on Google Earth too, Tila and I watched as they did it years ago... they showed the overhead of the CC we are brought to and had a black box cursor on bigscreen there... put the black box over the CC clicked a button and it was all trees... blended in with the rest of the trees... Google Earth is Illuminati owned and you can't depend on it.
Donald Marshall Ashu read older posts, it explains all.
Donald Marshall little while ago people were saying there were russian planes landing in an abandoned airport. People said they looked at google earth and the planes were missing engines and the airport was unused... do not trust google earth... they just pop up whatever they want... if the illuminati dont want you to see something on google earth, you wont see it.
Donald Marshall Tila made a post about it... something like "Evil google earth with your big black box (cursor) blotting out the truth blah blah blah...
Ashu Mahashiv ok one more question, why they do cloning ?
Donald Marshall to have extra people to make sandwiches.
Donald Marshall ...
Ashu Mahashiv how much is there control in India?
Donald Marshall High up government in India attend cloning, and some religious figureheads.
Donald Marshall They and the Pakistan government are always trying to talk to me there about a disputed piece of land called Kashmir, they both say they own it...
Ashu Mahashiv oh man.... you know any names?
Donald Marshall so I said fuck off you dirty bastards I dont give a damn about yer kashmir. They always bring it up.
Donald Marshall It;s all of the highest ones Ashu.
Donald Marshall they have cloning centers and underground bases in India.
Donald Marshall lots of Vrill under the middle east region.
Ashu Mahashiv Where in India ?
Donald Marshall oh just a second while I get my map of the Punjab...
Donald Marshall lol
Ashu Mahashiv ??
Donald Marshall You guy's call Vrill Jinn's over there.
Donald Marshall I think India has other names for them too
Jane Cellars You really do have a great sense of humour....which in fairness, you need to!
Raja Rehman Pervaiz So the biggest leaders from India & Pakistan talk to you about Kashmir but you don't give a fuck. That's a load of crap & you know it.
Donald Marshall no they do... they first talked to me there about it when I was a little kid.
Donald Marshall I just always wanted to leave the place... I didnt know anything about the situation, didnt want to talk to the strange foreigners with odd accents... you gotta understand the situation...
Donald Marshall Elizabeth showed me off like her magical little doggie... and I left them all in awe at how I could just sing out these top ten songs out of thin air as clones... it was the most amazing thing at cloning they said... then they wanted me to do tv and cartoon ideas, then one liners and then script help... commercials... pretty soon politicians were asking me what I thought about certain topics...
Donald Marshall Indian and Pakistani officials there didnt talk much, and seemed they all wanted to meet me and ask me questions,... after about 50 super songs, for some reason... brought me there near every night in rem stage... acted like they knew me well and we were all one big secret family... the power club,
Donald Marshall In certain situations, they said I could think outside the box, and often provide them with an alternate option they could do concerning a problem or issue they had. Did it lot's of times.
Raja Rehman Pervaiz Do Vrill lizards have names? How do they deal amongst themselves? Is there a hierarchy? Also are they subservient to any humans??