Rob Dutze
12 October 2015
Well Well.......
Hillary Clinton: “I’m Really Not Even a Human Being”
“A man whose name shall remain nameless created me in his garage.”
TINA NGUYEN Legendd........ Haaaa
Liz Clark........ A man constructed me in his garage.
Charlie Legendd ......Replace the word robot with clone -and you're somewhere close to some truth. So she's out of the race then. Looks like she is discrediting herself to look insane. Also seems like a cry for help to get cloning shut down. First the bi-location of clones, and now this...
Liz Clark.... We have to get this shit shut down ugh.
Charlie Legendd... I've told plenty of people. Most don't want to believe it is true (because it means the world is worse than they perceive it to be). They'd rather tell me it's B/S ---they are also scared that if they look too much into this, to the point they realise it's true -they'll go crazy. I've been told this. People must stop being scared. There's plenty of reasons not to be scared.
Liz Clark..... Feel the same 100%. The cowardice is aggravating.
Liz Clark.... When someone like Donny is out there doing what he is doing and suffering things and to a degree we will never suffer, that alone throws cowardice on any of our parts right out the window, at least in my mind. We should all be believing what he claims and shouting these revelations from the rooftops. It needs to start really snowballing soon.
Charlie Legendd ....I wouldn't say so much cowardice. Think Socrates said it best 'The unexamined life is not worth living'. People do not want to admit that they have been lied to all their lives. That part is difficult. But once you get over that it's easy.
Liz Clark.... Pride and cowardice I guess. Well they need to just get over it. Too much at stake to be wrong.
Charlie Legendd.... True. They are just uniformed. Have bought the lies and programming.
Liz Clark... Or rather too much at stake to choose to turn a blind eye, not let yourself be in shock for a bit, and not help out.
Liz Clark.... They might almost die of shock from these revelations but that's better than how bad they are going to feel about themselves when this all goes down, all is revealed and they see that they had a chance to stand up, to show what they were made of at probably the most crucial time in their entire lives and how they chose the cowards path. I would rather die than have that be part of my legacy.
Charlie Legendd ....exactly. nicely put. But people probs just read Don's original letter, thinking oh they are cloning people from a baby up (even if that was the case) -oh damn! I better keep quiet pretend I NEVER saw this letter, if any authority figure asks me I'll just play dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb. I don't want to get cloned myself so it's best to keep quiet. When I first read Don's letter, I knew he was telling the truth because I already knew about clones -but the part which did not make sense is that he's died too many times, and he's still alive? I thought why would they give the memories of the old clone back (if he is being cloned from a baby -because that's how it read) -that's very sick! And how is he being aged -from a baby to over 30 so quickly (if they're cloning from a baby up) -that to me suggested tech is so much way advanced. Anyway I think the anomalies in his letter allows people to dismiss it -because if people read that for the first time and it made perfect sense --- to be honest I don't know how they'd react. They'd probs still choose self-preservation because they are scared of the repercussions they may face rather than saving others. Human emotion. We can be so silly sometimes... tongue emoticon
Charlie Legendd.... Yep. There's no greater honour than dying for the truth, especially if it liberates others
Liz Clark.... I guess I have this deep deep belief in a supreme creator who is GOOD not evil and no matter what evil may do to me, even the worst, being cloned and tortured, it will not win and it WILL not be forever. Perhaps it sounds foolish but my pride in what's good and right won't allow me to bow to evil under any circumstance. If any of those jackasses dare clone me and torture me and unsuppress my memory I'm in for it but that's the chance the brave and good in heart take.
Charlie Legendd..... Exactly. Get cloned etc. doesn't bother me. It's such a small price to pay if it means the rest of humanity becomes free forever and ever. I wouldn't say it's my pride. It's my conscience. I know this gets handled with or without my help. But my conscience would never allow me to do nothing, knowing that all of this is true and I can help put a stop to it.
Liz Clark.... Conscience yes much better word.
Maxi Ripley.... Exactly they have no conscious ! And a lot of people have seared their own conscious,through their unchristian ways , lieing, cheating, deceiving, wicked reasoning ,etc. A Bible trained counscious will protect you from committing any wrong doings, and help you developing a love for OTHER PEOPLE / HUMANITY !
I knew when I read DONALD S LETTER he was telling the truth !
I was in a room with over 20 clones, of people I knew, some I loved,I would have died for ! People still think I am crazy,and that's ok, they kept asking me,why would any one go to that much trouble for you ?, what's so special about you ? ETC. The DON Answered a lot of my questions, would I die for him like he did for us ?, spread his words and risk being tortured ? I guess I already have, people have always asked me why don't I know when to shut up ?
I do but not when the truth needs to be said!
I do BELIEVE the truth will set us free !
Charlie Legendd..... I commend you on being as you put it "Bible trained" and still being able to accept what Don says as truth. What I found is that many religious people believe if they pray over this, God will end it... and they do not have to be actively involved to end it. Some have told me they are too 'powerless' to do anything about it... they don't have much influence etc.
Tyler Caine ....MARK 3 clone? haha.. they disguise the truth in the open...sandwiched between lies.
Charlie Legendd.... exactly...
Charlie Legendd.... Listen from 27.43 onwards to about 29.59 -just those two mins -she admits she doesn't sweat and is a robot. Hilary this was too obvious.
Listen To Hillary Clinton's Interview With BuzzFeed
Ari Rautio.... Wow just tells the Truth and people (interviewers) laugh... it's a sad World we are living...
Charlie Legendd.... very sad. This quote says it all "One day YOU will be in a new situation with 3 paths. Path 1: you become a perpetrator of evil; Path 2 you become guilty of passive inaction; path 3 you go straight ahead and become a hero." Most people choose path 2 when faced with a difficult situation. I guess everyone here chose path 3
Ari Rautio... I try to do something on my site: marshall | Search Results | Auricmedia – Blogman's Wonderland
Charlie Legendd.... cool. I've checked out your site many times smile emoticon
Ari Rautio......... Ok, thanks.
Liz Clark .......Donny and all these trapped human souls are worth it. Breaks my heart. This is the least we can do, doing this, doing something, until it's forced to stop. I couldn't go back to "posting pictures in a pumpkin patch" now Lol.
Charlie Legendd..... True. Considering how much Don has done, and continues to do for everyone. It's a small price. People should also realise that there is a HIGH possibility they could be trapped too. Memory suppressed, 'stuck in a dream' (stuck as a REM clone) and not even know it themselves. They're fighting for their own freedoms too, not just people trapped there.
Linda Torgrimson ......The interview sounds to me like this was a satire site.
Laurence Mountford....... they probably all know and are just fucking around..
Sasha Edwards....... It's easy to laugh off the "fantastical" concept of a robotic human, people innately dislike Hillary and her power lust, so calling her an unfeeling robot, unable to sweat or cry or whatever, distracts people away from the very real concept of cloning humans.
Sasha Edwards's photo.
Laurence Mountford.... Shes a robot in public, a bitch behind closed doors and a monster at the cloning center.