Donald Marshall
3 August 2015
Donald Marshall's photo.
Greg Hallier Lindberg Is it me, or is the awakening stepping up
Rapidly ? ( Due in Large part to YOU )
İrge Sezer... wow Donald u know so much that we do not know, Do u belive in Jesus?
Donald Marshall My religious beliefs are irrelevant.
Donald Marshall Irrelevant.
Velma Lewis Everytime I see pictures of those cloning containers. I immediately think of Stepford Wives 1975, written by Ira Nevin 1972, which scared me to death at the time. Still does
İrge Sezer... yeah but he is the only one who can provide us escape from all these bull shit
İrge Sezer but still I admire your braveness so much Donald Marshall
İrge Sezer And hi from Turkey/ İstanbul
Velma Lewis.... Stepford Wives showed the bullshit, Donald has explained it.
James Andrew Perez Donald Marshall I think İrge Sezer means this guy?
James Andrew Perez's photo.
İrge Sezer ...İrge Sezer Woww hardcore ha?
İrge Sezer I learned so much from your experience
Sasha Edwards Everyone is free to have their own personal spiritual beliefs or not to... It doesn't matter what those beliefs are...but Donald Marshall is here to tell the world the Truth...and then kick some ass!
Cody Freeman Well the way i see it if the illumanastys believe in the devil and they do sacrifice so there has to be a god as well but yes Donald Marshall will and has expose these pos for who and what they are.
Julie Bond Oh Donald. Jesus is not irrelevant . Have you tried calling out in his name to defend yourself ?
Laurence Mountford not irrelevant but what youve been taught to call out for and what actually cares for you are two separate things
Laurence Mountford the thing that cares for you actually doesnt require you to call out some spoken title.
Janette Goins Verrier doesn't help, but maybe it will for you.
Donald Marshall Yeah. They laugh.
Donald Marshall Meant my religious beliefs are irrelevant.
Julie Bond Oh. Sad.
Cody Freeman Im curious to know why they laugh??
Donald Marshall Because using the name Jesus in front of them or aliens does absolutely nothing.
Julie Bond ...Because satan is in control .
Laurence Mountford your concept of Jesus and religion is distorted. Religion is gang spirituality. There was a jesus that was most likely an alien deception. I read this in gematria. its rather conclusive. You should be spiritual not religious. There is a book written...See More
satan is in control Gematria Value - English Gematria Calculator
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Laurence Mountford its just.. some assholes knew all that before you did. Took the book, Chopped it diced it sliced it and spliced it. And turned it into the modern day bibles. A Great disservice to humanity
Julie Bond... You're preaching to the choir here . I have prayed to Jesus and he appeared before me. And yes the modern day bible has been rewritten and some books are missing. However acient scrolls and texts have been discovered that actually confirm some of the bibles teachings . Im not a biblical scholar by no means. Do you believe that aliens exist?
Julie Bond How much of the bible have you read?
Laurence Mountford Enough for now. Its mostly cosmic knock knock jokes hidden in gematric code.. Also asking if i believe aliens exist on this page is humorous in itself. Also when you say confirm. If you cannot confirm a structural aspect of reality in the here and now. Its not a structural aspect of reality worth bothering about.
Julie Bond I believe aliens are demons.
Laurence Mountford You can learn all you need to about reality with just your mind and a little smart cookieness
Julie Bond Glad to hear from someone who has all the answers to the universe. Thank you . And may God bless you .
Laurence Mountford Julie. Dude. Aliens and Demons ARE the Same Thing. Its just a name. Name is an anagram of Mean So "Names" is an anagram of "Means". Demons are what aliens called themselves to primitive man, Primitive man didnt know they were aliens and so called them demons. Calling Aliens Demons is being on same level as primitive man. You dont want that. Again. Gematira. Its like a spiritual thesaurus. In which you can look up anything word based. Look at what "Demons" is synonymous with. Please. Gematria Value - English Gematria Calculator
Online Gematria Calculator with same phrases...
Laurence Mountford "Robot", "Yahweh", "Secret", "Vatican".. The list goes on.
Laurence Mountford Understand that the time for blind faith is actually over. Knowledge is free, not faith. Instinct not instruction.
Julie Bond Well i definitely dont go along with the fake religion of catholicism . Ill check your gemantra stuff out. I've heard of it before . But as I said I saw Jesus and he has miraculously answered many of my prayers . I will never deny him.
Laurence Mountford why? I would. A physical god is a being trying to play God. You think god goes inside itself and appears to its individual cells?? Do We do that? Or does just shit just run naturally without that kind of influence? If the point of you is for you to gro...See More
Laurence Mountford
Asura's Epic Punch
Laurence Mountford You arent subservient. Spirals do not Stop.
Donald Marshall Enough Sunday school
Julie Bond Teehee. Ok.
Laurence Mountford Sorry I had to do this one because they Were Your words. and One thing i learned here was.. Use Them. sunday school Gematria Value - English Gematria Calculator
Online Gematria Calculator with same phrases...
Cody Freeman I see makes sense my friend thanks!!
Donald Marshall Sometimes they torture religious people there. Then when the people cry for Jesus to save them they look scared run away and deactivate their clone for a joke. Bring them back another night and do it again for comedy.
Julie Bond... Freaky I
Cody Freeman... Yeah not kool man very disturbing cant waite for the day they all get what they deserve in this life and the next and i know everyone around the world appreciate your knowledge and bravery THANKS again..
Rimma Machhour... They're evil n afraid to die to face consequences
Laurence Mountford is this picture from something??
Domagoj Hrkać... hoplon infotainment, brazilian game developers
Freedom Parade "Dying is Not the End" is hardly the point. Is Cloning a good idea??? According to Donald Marshall, clones are wacky and do embarrassing things, chipheads perv on little kids and eat people. That's a hell of a legacy to leave behind. Marshall says "Dead is Better."
Russell Nichols It reminds me of the movie "The Island", in a way. I am not discounting what gyoy face nightly.
Shawn Kara ONeal ....well, if they have their way, we are going to have plenty more clones running round here ...Transhumanism is a business model $$$$$$ and fear of Death is a great sales pitch...yada yada yada....
Shawn Kara ONeal ....Many stories already of brokers and techies taking various Smart pills to get an edge....offer them a chip mod....gobble gobble ....
Shawn Kara ONeal ...Syntient Archonic Transhuman Automated Network.... SATAN ~
Laurence Mountford Not well..
Josh Robert Gautreau ...who said they could do it better
Sandra Sara Devi... It is so weird to believe that through a clone someone is living 'longer' ... how can a soul be cloned? On the other hand there is only ONE soul living through us all so it doesn't matter if there are clones ... too much headshit and it shows the fear of those people...
Velma Lewis.... Seeing and feeling is believing.
Shawn Kara ONeal ...Tansthink: once we dismiss the possibility of an immaterial soul, we must acknowledge the mind as a material pattern implemented in physical configurations, and if other substances aside from our current neurons can meet the requirements for these configurations, then there is no reason why intelligence and consciousness could not exist on another substrate. For a humorous look at this complex philosophical argument, see “They’re Made Out of Meat” by Terry Bisson. Ten Transhumanist Technologies
Freedom Parade "There's no reason why intelligence and consciousness could not exist on another substrate..." In theory, sure. In practice, according to Donald Marshall, uploading your consciousness to transfer into a clone copy is a flawed tech, with serious side-effects...canabalism anyone...?
Shawn Kara ONeal ....Personally, I think that Nuclear energy as used on this planet is a flawed tech, but it's all over the planet and spreading... (post Fukushima)....Leading me to believe that the standard consciousness round here is pretty flawed as it is ~
Dan Fisher Sad but true Brother... Sad but true.
Drew Jones... Donald Marshall hey, Bobbi Kristina, yes or no?
Donald Marshall ?
Drew Jones Was she involved with the cc?
Donald Marshall Ya. Whitney n bobby too
Drew Jones ....Damn