Donald Marshall
Notice the tattoo on her side? A Native American "Dreamcatcher" that were supposedly used by native's to ward off bad dreams... Reference to r.e.m cloning... Miley hopes I can get the cloning centers shut down and save her but also wants me to die once cloning is exposed so I don't sue her or tell anyone what she did to me as clones... Marshall and what's with all the licking thing's? She's always licking stuff.
Donald Marshall lol
Thelma Simmons St James I wonder the same thing Donald Marshall.
D-ro Slim Is that a lizard lick
Kolb Robert Spencer Surprised she has not stapled or pierced it with all the Metal she licks
John LiPari she's licking herself cause no sane man would eat that.
D-ro Slim She likes being naked now
Jessica Lookatmenow Brown She goin to catch something lickin everything though lol
Imatruther Still shes Fugly! fuckin ugly!
Jessica Lookatmenow Brown Is that why she broke down on stage? Becuz she's had enough?!? Donald Marshall
Donald Marshall She wants freedom from cloning.
Donald Marshall this pose is to show off her "dreamcatcher" tattoo,... so in her own little way, she is helping me like Tila did,... without getting herself in trouble, cuz Miley is scared of vrillz, can't blame her, vrillz r scary, dead people on chip are also scary, and hosts...
Donald Marshall Tila did more though...
Donald Marshall Tila doesn't say nothin about leezards n clones nowwwwwwww.
Donald Marshall Tila got in trouble...
Greg Hallier Lindberg Im glad as of late that they
arent jacking with you as much
Michelle O'howell Did daddy sell her out, Don?
Imatruther Still Whats that poop on her elbow?
Hippie Lovegods showin off the guy/gal androgyny with that hairdoo and that eye looks like it's weeping ~!~
Hippie Lovegods that rampant tongue ~!~ whats inside wants to eat whats outside....consuming....
Donald Marshall crossed arrows tattoo on elbow.
Hippie Lovegods meanwhile in Bono-ville >
Bono chased by angry anarchists in Germany
Irish rocker Bono feared for his life when he was chased down a street by a group of angry anarchists in Germany.
Michelle O'howell That eye doesn't look like it's weeping, it looks like It's dead.
Donald Marshall Keep the glasses on and no one will notice the eye Bono. lol
Michelle O'howell I thought so. He, they, never felt quite right to me.
Hippie Lovegods is this the source of the saying "Yhe evil eye? "
Eric Pete Whats up with them 6's on her forehead? And the small 's' big E, and big X on the shaved part of her head, with what looks like a photoshop paintbrush in white. Aaand the word going across her face starting at the bridge of her nose, looks like another 's'.And her toungue, just above the All kinds of subliminals' on this one.
Donald Marshall I'm not certain, but it would be an educated assumption. @hippie.
Hippie Lovegods good one Eric ~!~
Michelle O'howell Dang, I can't see all that on my mobile.
Donald Marshall Good eye Eric.
Eric Pete This shit is literally everywhere. AS if sex needed to be implied even
Hippie Lovegods Babylon overdrive engaged ~!~
Hippie Lovegods or was that babble on erngaged ~!~
Eric Pete Although, some people either cant see it, or wont see it. Their eyes cant break programming or something. Its weird
Hippie Lovegods Air Conditioning....the MAN has control of the supremacy ~!~
Hippie Lovegods the kids growing up now must think all this EM frequency is normal background ~!~
Natalie Moreira This page is worse than reading a trashy gossip celebrity magazine.. or in fact not much different... no revolution happenin here
Donald Marshall if you say so.
Donald Marshall you just dont know about rem cloning,... and the tattoo she's trying to show off...
Hippie Lovegods check the cover....story... Good golly Mi SS, The war on the last days of Nirvana (heaven) Homeland returns.....
Donald Marshall its kinda like a cry for help really... if you know about rem driven cloning you know why she'd get the tattoo and why she'd show it now...
Randi Ellen What a shame how a pretty young lady turned into something so pitiful.
Eric Pete Pointing out subliminals, and hidden agenda's. bringing them to attention and exposing these bastards isnt revolution??
Eric Pete People trying to share knowledge, and giving others tools to use in the future isnt revolution!!??
Hippie Lovegods revolution ? i think they droned that's used to sell sneakers and cars ~!~
Eric Pete doubt^^
Hippie Lovegods my people perish for lack of vision and i'm not talking google glass here ~!~
Hippie Lovegods nothing like a naked rem driven clone to get peoples tongues wagging....good pick Donald ~!~
Hippie Lovegods so perhaps the cry of help is being answered tongue to tongue so to speak ~!~
Hippie Lovegods you can't speak with your tongue hanging out like that = help...i'm captive ~!~
Donald Marshall kinda like this one... basically means, take the red pill, you must bite your tongue.
Donald Marshall's photo. Bharucha Wow, Eric. I didn't see it. Thanks for the wake up call.
Eric Pete They are all over that cover. Another easy one to spot is just to the right of her middle chain.
Sherna Bharucha I totally see it.
Kris Pepos Her and her tongue man....
Leesa M Van Peteghen I am Cree and love dreamcatchers and as far as I am aware, it was always about peaceful dreams???
Donald Marshall well let me tell you... those things do not work HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!...
Donald Marshall I tried, they still just activate ya there lol.
Leesa M Van Peteghen yes, I do much more than merely relying on dreamcatchers... but now that I think of it-- u are likely right-- stephen king also wrote some garbage referencing them too...
Leesa M Van Peteghen so that makes me suspicious lol
Zavisa Zoric I think that it's coming down to obvious conflict - arrogance vs awareness. Once long time ago people were not allowed to point out the obvious - that the earth wasn't flat...
Leesa M Van Peteghen I am currently reading this loooong article that if you have not seen it-- would surely interest you-- it is alot the same as your publishings Donald Marshall... called: Horus Ra as the Archontic Alien Parasite....
Donald Marshall sure I'll read it, sounds like vrill.
Donald Marshall can you pop me the link or somethin?
Leesa M Van Peteghen copy amd paste the title into your browser-- otherwise-- if you give me your email-- I can send as an attachment --private message your addy and will send it right away
Donald Marshall
www.donny865@hotmail.comLeesa M Van Peteghen ok brb
Leesa M Van Peteghen sent-- it is very long-- am still getting thru it myself....
D-ro Slim So I she a host now just seen her on MTV and she said she was coming out as a new artist
Donald Marshall dunno if shes a host.
Donald Marshall doubtful with a dreamcatcher tattoo... thats more like wishing for safety in dreams... hosts get eye of horus tattoos a lot
Donald Marshall egyptian stuff.
Maria LovesHumanity StandsagainstZionism I thought her spirit would be stronger.. she has obvious talent and beauty.. pity she has lost herself in a fake paradigm